Original WW2 Dutch Press Photo - General-Arbeitsführer Fritz zur Loye inspects the RAD Reichsarbeitsdienst in Rotterdam (1940)

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Item number: 0024527

Original WW2 Dutch Press Photo - General-Arbeitsführer Fritz zur Loye inspects the RAD Reichsarbeitsdienst in Rotterdam (1940)

Approximately: 18 x 12 cm

By N. V. Polygoon

Interesting set of 5 press photos by Polygoon about the RAD gathering in Rotterdam for Fritz zur Loye in 1940.


Originele  Wo2 Nederlandse Persfoto - General-Arbeitsführer Fritz zur Loye inspecteert de RAD Reichsarbeitsdienst in Rotterdam (1940)

Ongeveer: 18 x 12 cm

Door N. V. Polygoon

Interessante serie van 5 Polygoon fotos van de RAD bijeenkomst voor Fritz zur Loye in Rotterdam in 1940.