Original WW2 French Press Photo - Execution of the nazi child spy Heinz Petry, Braunschweig (1945)
Original WW2 French Press Photo - Execution of the nazi child spy Heinz Petry, Braunschweig (1945)
Approximately 18 x 12 cm
This is a picture of the execution of the 16-year-old nazi spy Heinz Petry in Braunschweig.
''THE PUNISHMENT OF SABOTERS IN OCCUPIED GERMANY. M.C. Here is a sensational document taken on the spot showing the execution of a 16-year-old German boy who was charged with sabotage and espionage against the allied armies. We see the condemned man tied to the post in the forest, while the American firing squad takes up position.''
Only for museums and/or serious collectors/researchers.
Originele Wo2 Franse Persfoto - Executie van de 16 jarige nazispion Heinz Petry, Braunschweig (1945)
Ongeveer 18 x 12 cm
Alleen voor musea en/of serieuze verzamelaars/onderzoekers.