Original WW2 German Document - NSDAP propaganda letter about the attack on Adolf Hitler, Ortsstelle Rhede (1944)

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Item number: 0037637

Original WW2 German Document - NSDAP propaganda letter about the attack on Adolf Hitler, Ortsstelle Rhede (1944)

Interesting propaganda letter about the assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler on the 20th of July 1944. The letter translates to:

''A hoarding attack was carried out last Thursday on behalf of a clique of former generals against our leader. The leader was made omnipotent. Providence saved him as if by a miracle. Full of disgust and deep indignation, the entire German people are turning away from the traitors and conspirators, whose criminal coup was defeated faster than they ever imagined. With deepest gratitude and an overflowing heart, we thank the Lord God for having us the leader has grown old so that he can continue and complete his work.

The consequences that our opponents must draw from the events of January 20th are clear; you now know that no opposition in Germany could eliminate National Socialism and thereby significantly weaken our strength. With regret, they already declare today that after the revolution they had hoped for, the internal resistance of the entire German people has clearly grown.

We National Socialists only conclude one thing from Thursday's events: the fate that preserved the Führer for us should not find us ungrateful. We want and will be worthy of the leadership of such a man whom the Almighty has visibly blessed. We will now go beyond all previous demands and use all the reserves that still exist. Each of us will have to get the letate out of ourselves. The German Wehrmacht has introduced the German greeting as a sign of its incomprehensible trove as a leader for all parts of the Wehrmacht, and not as a gesture, but as an incomprehensible accompaniment. I take this as an opportunity to remind all party leaders who have already announced orders regarding the use of the German greeting and the wearing of the party badge. These arrangements are;
1.) Every party member must wear the party badge visibly on his street and work badge.
2.) Every party comrade must now only greet with the German greeting, not only among party members, but also when dealing with people's representatives.
3.) Fei has party events the uniformed party comrade to wear the uniform.

In the future, I will hold every party member in my local group who does not follow the above orders accountable. If a malicious violation of these orders is discovered, the party member in question must expect to be expelled from the party. "Whoever is not with us is against us. Anyone who does not follow these orders shows that he is against us and must be removed from our ranks. Every party comrade should use the German greeting and a party badge, not just an irrelevant externality, but as a clear statement of one's solidarity with the leader.''


Originele Wo2 Duits Document - Propagandabrief van de NSDAP over de aanslag op Adolf Hitler, Ortsstelle Rhede (1944)

Interessante propaganda brief over de aanslagpoging op Hitler op 20 July 1944.