Original WW2 British Press Photo - SS Standartenführer camp commander Max Pauly, Neuengamme Concentration camp (1946)

Item number: 0024622

Original WW2 British Press Photo - SS Standartenführer camp commander Max Pauly, Neuengamme Concentration camp (1946)

Approximately 21 x 15 cm

From 1939 to 1942 the camp commander of Stutthoff, and from 1942 to 1945 camp commander of Neuengamme. He was executed after the trial.


Originele Wo2 Britse Persfoto - SS Standartenführer kampkommandant Max Pauly, Concentraitekamp Neuengamme (1946)

Ongeveer 21 x 15 cm

Van 1939 tot 1942 kampcommandant van Stutthoff, en van 1942 tot 1945 kampcommandant van Neuengamme. Hij werd na het proces geëxecuteerd.