Original WW2 Belgian Press Photo - German medics taking care of wounded British soldiers in Trouville, Normandy, Operation Overlord, D-Day (1944)

Item number: 0024643

Original WW2 Belgian Press Photo - German medics taking care of wounded British soldiers in Trouville, Normandy, Operation Overlord, D-Day (1944)

Approximately 18 x 13 cm

D-Day, Operation Overlord, Normandy, France. Possibly 6th British airborne men.


Originele Wo2 Belgische Persfoto - Duitse artsen verzorgen gewonde Britse soldaten in Trouville, Normandië, Operatie Overlord, D-Day (1944)

Ongeveer 18 x 13 cm

D-Day, Operatie Overlord, Normandië, Frankrijk. Mogelijk 6th British Airborne division militairen.